Mathine Desktopcalculator

This Site is about the new Desktopcalculator Mathine.

You can find Screenshots in the "About" page.
Mathine is currently not released under any License since I need to have some more information about the differences between the actual License forms. Mathine will be released opensource, but the Copyright is left by me sience I want to make Donationware.
People who want to contribute are welcome and the Donations will be split up to the contributors, depending on how much work they have done.

I use mercurial for source version control. You can get it on the mercurial page. You can download the windows version wich brings explorer integration and a confortable GUI.

This Site and mathine itselve was completely created with Visual Studio 2008 (I switch to 2010 after it's release on 22.03.2010).

The Mathine parser was built with boost spirit.
Mathine itselve was build with QT by Nokia (formerly Trolltech).