About Mathine

Mathine is an easy calculator. It's features currently allow it to be used for School calculations or as a better alternative to calc.exe.

The mathine features will grow in time, but I implement them with one reason in mind: It's use should be easy.

I started using CAS tools for my everyday calculations but the problem with them is their complexity.
Some of them are:

If you do not use that tools day by day you will forget their commands. The next problem with CAS software is that they were not writte for everyday use. If you only want to do some easy plots, you have to declare variables, declare the expression, put everything into the right function and then the plot shows up. This is completely ok, becouse they where inveted for a special purpose, and not as a replacement for school calculators or everyday calculations.


All this does not mean that Mathine isn't powerfull enought to solve such problems. It's core is a Mathematical term parser, implemented with boost spirit, a parser generator for C++. This means core functions can easily be implemented and added.


Mathine was developed in C++ and QT. Unlike other software wich depends on other languages and additionally on two to three programming libraries. This means Mathine could run on alsmost any major os where QT compiles. This ist for example Windows, Linux and OSX. And even on some mobile phones.